Monday, August 2, 2010


There are several ways to approach life. You can wait for it to come and feel miserable about it drinking green tea and staring into the rain. You can wiggle through and feel happy about the minor achievements you made in your everyday life. But there is also a way that does not even condescend to remark the previous with a compassionate smile: seizing every opportunity to signal society that past, present and future of the planet's evolution comes down to your own free will. It's not about asking anymore it's about letting people understand that they represent the weaker link. Who can resist these sparkling persons and their abundance of followers?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Belgian corporate

Trying to succeed in the harsh business environment of Belgium is not easy.

But the tough struggle is just half way to the fun. Once you make it to the top, you'll be able to live the extravagant corporate life:

Looking down from the peak of society you enjoy the hard-earned privileges of convenient outsourced cleaning, opulent business lunches and custom-made transport solutions. Always ready for launching the best tender and charming networking chats while having a glass of the regional brew. You might have access to one of those mobile phones that you can bring wherever (although the coverage not is very good in rural Brussels which forces you to climb your suitcase to get the latest news from the stock exchange). Preferably living in Charleroi: Belgium's answer to Nirvana.